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Our Sessions

Given the unknowns of therapy for so many individuals – or, also - the novel nature of their time in the counseling relationship with myself, I feel it is important to give some details of what one can expect when coming into our sessions. There is, of course, a great deal more to what is described in the following paragraphs, which is nuanced & specifically built around each client’s needs; but these overarching themes do apply to every person who decides to take this journey & can therefore have them to look forward to.

Image by Yeshi Kangrang

Looking back to one of psychology’s great minds, Carl Jung, he once wrote that being an evolved human being consists of three foundational pieces – insight, courage, & endurance. If we look at mental health through the lens of these core tenants, it helps to simplify what often becomes an overwhelmingly complex & esoteric view of counseling to those on the outside looking in. However, peering into our minds & towards the future by grasping onto straightforward ideas is a wonderful way to get rolling; while also recognizing what is to be expected, with the eventual direction being areas to reach for, & realize.


This is why I put such an emphasis on these entities, along with the utilization of eclectic modalities & techniques which best suit each individual client. It is not uncommon to be speaking of cognitive science one minute, somatic principles the next, only to find ourselves contemplating the wisdom of Buddhist teachers or existential philosophers & writers for good measure. However, despite what might seem complex, I try to make it all quite the contrary, by applying it to you the client, showing how interconnected all of it is, & eventually making it meaningful.  


So, let’s take a closer look at that previously mentioned foundational triad.


Speaking to the first of the three pieces - insight, we look at what is likely most commonly thought of when a person pictures therapy, & for good reason. Having a conversation with a professional along with some gentle guidance, free from judgment and bias, will provide the stepping stones to looking within, in ways that might otherwise elude us. It is here that psychological histories are considered, the environments & relationships unpacked, & areas of conformity considered as they often quell or silence authenticity; all to better understand the source(s) of suffering in order to build awareness, while also providing direction in unburdening the Self from bondage & towards liberation.  


The second piece is courage, which is very much intertwined with the process of insight. It also exists in you, right now, as you read these paragraphs; & will continue should you decide to reach out to myself or someone else in this field, as the bravery to honor your present & future has begun to outweigh rumination & other unhealthy patterns that might be holding you back from realizing your fullest potential. Courage continues by peering more deeply within, & through intrapersonal and/or interpersonal methods, gathering the strength to begin a process of building a foundation or ballast beneath to better provide a structure for change, while cultivating a mindset of curiosity & growth moving forward.


And last but certainly not least is the process of endurance, a lesser discussed but incredibly important part of the process, as old, & sometimes less healthy patterns we’ve made the choice to move past have a way of sneaking their way back into our lives. This is where the commitment to showing up, each & every day, becomes paramount to the daily routines of life, whereby intentionally deciding to practice living an existence which honors your being in the truest sense of the word manifests itself.  


With all of that said, my hope is this (albeit brief) summation provides a better understanding of what to expect should you decide to reach out. Although there will be many avenues we go down, they will all be in service of giving you remarkable insight, a cultivation of courage, & a blueprint for seeing to it that all of these realizations, epiphanies, areas of growth, new practices, etc. remain in your life for the long term. If you take the leap & send an inquiry, email, or call, I can’t wait to have the honor of spending time with you. Thanks, JF

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